Matt O'Neill
Artist, dreamer, ice cream eater

a bit in bytes about me
I'm a "3CK" who takes delight in each thing essential unto itself
To be an...observer, passive; yet active at all times.
Seeing, believing, and creating enmesh into response or provocation to one's environment. Do we want it to be better for our agency?
- 2021-05 "Prophecy" @Splendorporium /PDX (G/J)
- 2021-02 "Pink Show" @Splendorporium /PDX (G/J)
- 2018-05 "Tioga Arts & Agriculture Trail" @Tioga, NY /NY (G/NJ)
- 2014-11 "Sunshine Cafe" /SF (S/NJ)
- 2014-09 "White Walls" /SF (G/J)
- 2013-09 "Abstraction" @Hospitality House /SF (G/J)
- 2013-05 "Pattern Building" @Sherwood Gallery /SF (S/J)
- 2012-02 "Hommage to Charles Gatewood" @Kymara Gallery /ME (G/J)
- 2011-01 "Postcards from the Edge" @Cheim+Read /NY (G/J)
- 2010-08 "Untitled Café Show" @revolutioncafesf /SF (S/J)
- 2010-05 "We Won't Be Silent" /SF (G/J)
- 2010-03 "UBC Silent Auction" @ University of British Columbia /YVR (G/NJ)
- 2005-05 "Alone Together" @Gallery Lounge /SF (G/NJ)
- 2004-12 "Precious Things" @Brickhouse /SF (G/NJ)
- 2004-06 "Cardinal8" @Brickhouse /SF (G/NJ)
- 2004-05 "Human Figure" @Capitol Arts Connection /DC (G/J)
- 2004-02 "Caffè Driade" @Cafe Driade /NC (S/NJ)
- 2003-06 "Wednesday Scene" @Hotel Rouge /DC (S/J)
- 2002-07 "1460 Wall Mountables" @DC Arts Center (G/NJ)
- 2001-07 "25th Anniversary Exhibition" @Strathmore Hall /DC (G/NJ)
Creativity is not the product of consciousness but rather the "phenomenon of life itself." Creation must arise from mu-shin, the state of "no-mind," in which thought, emotions, and expectations do not matter. Skillful Zen calligraphy is not the product of intense "practice;" rather, it is best achieved as the product of the "no-mind" state, a high level of spirituality, and a heart free of disturbances.

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downward perspectives
constrained reality
unusual captures
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random ramblings

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